The Official Twitter Text Commands

Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Official Twitter Text Commands

by Mich De 0 comments

Via: Twitter Support : The Official Twitter Text Commands: "The Official Twitter Text Commands"

The Official Twitter Commands

Did you know: you can perform certain actions, like following or marking a friend's update as a favorite, by using the designated Twitter commands? Use the commands listed below from your phone, the web update box, or your favorite third party application.

Please note : When using these commands make sure that you do not append an @ along with it.

For example, if you want to turn on device notifications send only ON and not @ON.

Similarly, if you want to stop getting updates from Twitter send STOP and not @STOP.

If you send these commands with an @, it will be considered as an username and will not be executed as expected!

Read on to know more Twitter commands..

Turning Twitter off and on: device notifications

  • ON: turns ALL phone notifications on.

  • OFF, STOP, QUIT, End, Cancel, Arret or Unsubscribe: turns ALL phone notifications off.
  • ON username: turns on notifications for a specific person on your phone. For example, ON alissa.
  • OFF username: turns off notifications for a specific person on your phone. For example, OFF blaine.
  • FOLLOW username: this command allows you to start following a specific user, as well as receive SMS notifications. Example: follow jermy
  • LEAVE username: this command allows you to stop following a specific user, as well as stop receiving SMS notifications. Example: leave benfu

Fun Stuff: friends, favorites, and stats!

There's more to Twitter than OFF and ON! Use the commands below to send private messages, mark updates as favorites, or even remind someone to update their Twitter page if you're wondering what they're doing!
  • @username + message
  • directs a twitter at another person, and causes your twitter to save in their "replies" tab.
    Example: @meangrape I love that song too!
  • RT username
  • Retweet's a users latest Tweet
  • D username + message
  • sends a person a private message that goes to their device, and saves in their web archive.
    Example: d krissy want to pick a Jamba Juice for me while you're there?
  • FAV username
marks a person's last twitter as a favorite and causes the message to show up in your "Favorites" tab.
  • SET LOCATION placename
updates the location field in your profile
Example: set location san francisco

  • WHOIS username
  • retrieves the profile information for any public user on Twitter.
    Example: whois jack

  • GET username
  • retrieves the latest Twitter update posted by the person.
    Example: get goldman

  • FAV username
  • marks a person's last twitter as a favorite. (hint: reply to any update with FAV to mark it as a favorite if you're receiving it in real time)
    Example: fav al3x
  • this command returns your number of followers, how many people you're following, and your bio information.

  • INVITE phone number
  • will send an SMS invite to a friend's mobile phone.
    Example: Invite 415 555 1212

Noteworthy Facts

  • using on/off username from your phone only stops notifications to the place the command comes from; you'll still collect a person's updates on the web.
  • using follow/leave username from your phone is the same as using on/off username.
  • following someone from a phone for the first time will also cause you to follow them on the web.
  • there is no way to stop following a person on the web without visiting their profile and removing them. The off, leave, stop, and quit commands will only disable updates for the device(s) from which they were sent.
  • you don't have to use on/off username from the phone, you can also set individual notifcations from a person's profile page, or check your following page and manage all phone notification settings there.

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Mich De L'Orme - @MichDe
I am Mich De Lorme I work in new media & research. My life is filled with family learning & technology, what more could I want or need in life?

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