Digg Education Series: Submitting and Commenting

Friday, August 28, 2009

Digg Education Series: Submitting and Commenting

by Mich De 0 comments

Digg the Blog » Blog Archive » Digg Education Series: Submitting and Commenting:
"Digg Education Series: Submitting and Commenting"

Digg is your submissions! All of the content you see on the site has been submitted by users like you – we want to see what interests you or is important news from your perspective.
When submitting a story, you should make sure that your submission isn’t a duplicate. Our dupe detection engine will do the work for you; if you submit something and see that a similar story has already been posted, go ahead and Digg the original submission. Of course, if the story you’re submitting offers a different perspective, by all means submit it!
When crafting your submission, we recommend that you use a catchy title and a creative description. Choosing a thumbnail that’s representative of your content goes a long way (don’t worry, we’ll provide thumbnails for you if any are available). Lastly, make sure that you select the proper topic for your story – topic lists are at the bottom of the submission page and will help direct your story to the folks who are most likely to be interested. When it looks the way you want it to in the preview, just click “Submit Story” and you’re good to go!
(Note, when submitting stories to Digg, make sure that the content doesn’t violate the Digg Terms of Use in any way. Examples include content that is obscene, pornographic, racist, or abusive. Also, make sure not to submit anything that is commercial in nature, such as marketing products or services.)
Promoting your submission
Digg gets lots of new submissions every day, so we understand it can be tough to make yours stand out. We’ve provided tools for you to share the story with your friends via Twitter, Facebook, and email. When you’re on your submission’s permalink page, just select the icon of the method you’d like to use (email, Twitter or Facebook) and follow the prompts. Make sure you’re tailoring your shares to people who are likely to be interested in the content.
Even though your story may not make it to the homepage, Digg is a great way to share content with other people. You can use your Digg submission to attract more viewers to your site, and provide a base for people to comment as well.

Commenting on stories that are of interest to you is one of the best ways to “join” the Digg community. It’s an easy way to discover others who share your interests.

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Mich De L'Orme - @MichDe
I am Mich De Lorme I work in new media & research. My life is filled with family learning & technology, what more could I want or need in life?

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