What can I say, the new tech geek by nature is a technology junkie. I want more web more social sharing more information faster broader updates and all that with a bowl O’ grits. The problem is how do you get your technology fix fast enough to satisfy but solid enough to actually view it. How in the world can you use dozens of social and web news sites microblog and still get anything done? How do you digg up and stumble thru hundreds if not thousands of pages a day. Music streaming video life streams and grid casting can really slow your systems let alone absorb way to much life.
Recently a SEM Friend brought me ‘out of the closet’ no not the rainbow one, the social web O holic closet. During a search engine marketing optimization research investigation, leaked to me, it became apparent I am a bit of a super internet social site share junky. To top that all off we found out I outpaced not only the worlds top A listers but the internet marketers, social promoters, search engine marketers and seo’s when it came to being on internet based social sharing and communications sites.
OK I admit it, I am a total web O holic. Also since this is a long post here is a short version of the list:
SocialAddict Twister MC’s Adobe Air App runs 11 sites at once
Pidgin Open source IM and email client using very low resources
Mahalo Combination wiki search and social site with useful tools
HelloTxt Multiple microblog and social update service with stats
Diigo not just another bookmaking site with great integration
Digsby The slickest social instant messenger and email client yet.
You probably just like me have no constant overseer of how we are online, not saying when or what overall we do, just how. Most of the people who are professionals in marketing SEM SEO recruiting or training all have an issue we wont. Everyone is staring at them so they have to think about every sill thing they link blog or even in the social micro blogging sphere who and what they reply to. That sucks and is no fun but gives your average human an edge in a really odd way, your freedom of form means you can share what you want when you want how you want and it does not really make a difference to your life or income.
The second is the options, I try almost every new site any interesting new software gadget or app. I run what works and dump what sucks or slows me down. This might sound odd but if your part of a bigger company or have everything you do looked at, what you use is often as important as who you talk to. Telling the boss or client this new thingy you installed broke something can suck.
Some really popular sites and software are a pain in the butt and you can use something much better to do it much faster. Just to help you out and show you the difference I will even give you a short list

SocialAddict many folks have under rated this great adobe air app not only does it interface with 11 websites social networks microblogs aggregators and status update service but it use low ram. You can run it all out and still not slow down your other system software. That makes the time you invest in the web more efficient and effective.
Pidgin again an under rated software, pidgin is an open source instant messenger client and handles some social site with great email updates. While it does not have microblogs or face book wired in it does not each much ram either. The combination of pidgin and the aforementioned Social Addict will work on almost any system together at the same time easy.
Digsby not so badly spoken of is the rockin out the box newcomer Digsby. Digsby lock up twitter myspace facebook instant messaging email and a bit more. If you have the resources Digsby is the bomb, but it does all by itself eat as much ram in one bits as the two prior softs and apps together.
Hellotxt back to the underdogs here I think but Hellotxt.com rocks for the normal folks. When you don’t need to hit a handful of blogs and just want to update the web with what up share something good show a picture or video with friends. Hello text is the spot to get it done. You can shout to all you microblogs and main communication type site like facebook or myspace all in one shot. They even have video pic friend and link stats so you can see what liked by your friends.
Diigo not just another bookmarking site … really. While digg worried about fairness and del.icio.us was getting some new style, diigo made more options and better technology. Diigo will let you bookmark to other sites interface with your blog and share socially with friends. Did I mention the tech, you get notes bookmarks collaboration and a photo mash screen view slideshow maker to knock any nerds socks off.
Mahalo no its not stumbleupon its Mahalo and its cool. Mahalo is another newer social site that helps you share to more than one place. Mahalo is also a great social search engine and wiki site. You can browse and even use other social profiles and site right in you homepage its pretty sweet.
Scour search not the most popular search engine but an awesome way to get the mixed results from google msn and yahoo all at once. the extra kicker is a cool point system and social rating with comments. Its great fun to do thumbs and notes on search results don’t you think.
Now to cut this long post short. I hope this helps some others out a bit, I know it smooth’s my days and night online. If you know anything good and new feel free to share it I am sure I’ll check it out to.
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